Where are you located?
2470 Nicholson RD. Sewickley, PA 15143 (Click here to go to Google Maps)
What time do services start?
Summer Hours (Memorial Day through Labor Day) – worship service starts at 9:30AM.
Winter Hours (Labor Day this year through Memorial Day next year) – Sunday school starts at 9:30AM and worship service at 10:30AM.
Where do I go in?
The main door near the road is the primary entrance.
What do I do with my children?
Bring them – no matter how old or young they are. Because we are a multi-generational church we invite everyone to be together for the first few minutes of the service. After we sing,we invite children to come forward for the children’s sermon (a short and often humorous age appropriate message.) Children may or may not feel comfortable coming to the front – that’s okay. Sometimes they want a parent to come too – that’s okay.
Children may say outrageous things during the children’s sermon – that’s okay (a little embarrassing, but okay.) Following the children’s message the children through fourth grade go downstairs with our children’s leader (a retired school teacher) to have a light snack, hear an age appropriate story and play a game or make a craft. As the service is ending you will hear the children coming back upstairs to meet you.
What should I wear?
Clothes. At Franklin Park Baptist you will find men in suits and ties – or Steelers jerseys and shorts. And everything in between. Wear what you feel most appropriate for worshipping God. We are more concerned about your heart than your wardrobe.
Is there an offering?
Yes we take up an offering during the service. As a guest you are not expected to contribute – this is a time when those who call Franklin Park home give.
When and how do you do communion?
Communion is a reminder that Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins. We take it very seriously. We celebrate communion once a month, usually, but not always on the first Sunday of the month. We invite those who consider themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ to join us. The bread is passed on trays and we wait and take the bread together as a congregation. We then pass out the cups – which are filled with grape juice, and take them together.
Do you have Sunday School for children?
Yes – and for adults, too. Sunday School begins at 9:30. Adult classes are hosted on the upper level, and the children’s classes are downstairs. If you attend one of the adult classes, we have several options which include a traditional lecture/group discussion or a video based class. We also offer a class on Christian parenting for parents of young (not yet teens) children. The children and youth Sunday School class starts with singing together and then goes to small age appropriate groups.
Where do I park?
We have plenty of parking beside and behind the church. The spaces in front of the church are available for those with mobility issues, so use those if for any reason you need them.